Searching for contacts and filtering in Mailroom

Searching for individual contacts, entire domains, or email addresses containing particular words, confirmed, bounced emails or active contacts, is made easier by filtering your searches. By setting filtering options, you reduce your contact list into manageable results.

The filtering options that are available when viewing contacts, sending email campaigns and setting up your auto-responders.

Filtering basics

There are a few filtering options that will be available to you each time you filter your searches. These include Email Address, Format, Confirmation Status, Status, F ilter By Date, Clicked On Link and Opened Email Campaign.

  • Email Address: Use this option to find an individual email address. Type the entire email such as "[email protected]" to display details related to this contact. Otherwise, typing a partial search string results in all email addresses containing that string, i.e or , for example: John or
  • Format: This option allows you to search for both HTML and Text based contacts, or either one individually.
  • Confirmation Status: This option will search for contacts that are either Confirmed, Unconfirmed or Both, if you require a second email confirmation from users before they are subscribed to your mailing list.
  • Status: Search for contact by their activity status, such as Active contacts, Bounced contacts or only Unsubscribed email addresses, i.e. locate contacts that have unsubscribed but want to reactivate their status.
  • Filter By Date: Here you can decide to limit your results by contacts that have subscribed before or after a date, even those that subscribed in between particular dates.
  • Clicked On Link: Filters your contact against those that have previously clicked links in your email campaign.
  • Opened Email Campaign: Filters your contacts against those that have previously opened an email from your email campaign.

How to turn on Filtering Contacts:

  1. Log into Mailroom
  2. Scroll over the Contacts tab and then click Search Contacts