How to connect your domain with Microsoft

Before you can create your first Microsoft email account, your domain will need to be connected with Microsoft. Depending on how your Name Servers are set up, this will either be done automatically or you will need to manually connect your domain.

This article will show you how to:

How to check your domains Name Servers

To find out if your setup will be automatic or manual, check your domains Name Servers. The easiest way to do this is by doing a WHOIS lookup. We have a Domain WHOIS tool on our website, follow the below steps to use it:

  1. Click here to go to our Domain WHOIS lookup tool
  2. Type in your domain and click SEARCH


  1. Scroll down to the information under WHOIS and look for the Name Servers

Highlight Name Servers.png

If your Name Servers are pointing to NETREGISTRY.NET then you don't need to do anything and your domain will automatically be connected to Microsoft. You can now log in to your Webcentral account and create your Microsft email account.

However, if your Name Servers are pointing elsewhere such as or another provider, you will need to manually connect your domain with Microsoft by adding the necessary zone records.

How to manually connect your domain with Microsoft

To connect your domain with Microsoft you will need to add several zone records, which are found in your Microsoft admin center, to your domain's DNS records.

  1. Log in to your Webcentral account
  2. Next to your domain, click Manage
  3. Click Microsoft 365 (or Microsoft 365 Email)

click microsoft 365.png

  1. In the Manage Microsoft 365 menu, under Create a User Account, you will see the message Can not create account, domain is not available yet. Please try again later.

cannot create account message.png

  1. You will need to log in to your default admin email account. But first, you need to create a password for it. Under User Accounts, click the admin email (it will be

admin account highlighted.png

  1. Under Reset Password, create a password and then click Reset

Do NOT click Make this person change their password the next time they sign in

update password.png

  1. Under Permissions, make sure Assign Global Admin Permissions to this user in Microsoft 365 is ticked. If it is not, tick it and click Save


  1. At the bottom of the page, click Go back
  2. Under Admin Portal, click Log in to Microsoft 365 Admin Portal and use your admin email and password

admin portal.png

  1. If you are asked to set up the Security defaults click Skip for now (14 days until this is required)

MFA skip.png

  1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, click the three horizontal lines in the top left of the screen to show the menus

click three horizontal lines red highlight.png

  1. Click Show all

Show all edited.png

  1. Click Settings to reveal more options

click settings.png

  1. Click D omains

click domains.png

  1. Click on your domain - it will show as Incomplete setup, under Status

click on your domain with mouse.png

  1. Click Start setup

start setup.png

  1. Under How do you want to verify your domain? Click Add a txt record to the domain's DNS records and click Continue

You can check out Microsoft's helpful video for further assistance

how do you want to verify your domain.png

  1. Add the TXT record to your domain's DNS records, this is where your Name Servers are pointing. If you are using cPanel, click here to see a support article on how to add zone records. If you are using another provider, you may want to contact them for help or refer to Microsoft's video and support articles
  2. Go back to the Microsoft admin center and click Verify

verify record.png

  1. ClickContinue
  2. It will now show you three more records you need to add to your DNS host. Click the arrow next to the record to show it

arrow to reveal.png

  1. Add the MX, CNAME, and TXT record to the same place you added the first TXT record. Again, please click here if you are using cPanel to see how to add zone records
  2. Go back to the Microsoft admin center and click Continue

If it fails, please retry in an hour as it can take a while before changes to your DNS settings are updated globally

  1. If successful it will say Domain setup is complete

domain setup complete edited.png

  1. Click Done
  2. You can now go back to your Webcentral account and create your Microsoft email account, click here to go to our support article on how to do this

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