Updating your competitors in Marketing Studio

Competitors are businesses offering products or services similar to yours. It's important to identify and select those that best represent your competition for customers. Read more about choosing the right competitors.
This guide takes you through how to update your competitors after you’ve set up your business in Marketing Studio.

Step 1: Log into your Marketing Studio Dashboard

Step 2: Access your Competitor Settings

Click “Settings” at the bottom of the left-hand menu and click “Competitors”.

Step 3: Add or remove competitors

Scroll down to select from pre-filled competitors that Marketing Studio suggests.

Or do your own research and click “Add Other” to add competitor’s website addresses to manually add them to your competitors. Read more about finding the right competitors.

Step 4: Save Competitors

Make sure to click “Save Competitors” when you’re finished updating them, and you’re all done! Give Marketing Studio up to 48 hours to update competitor data.