.AU Domain Lifecycle
When a .au domain name is registered, it can be transferred between registries immediately (unlike GTLD domains, which have a 60 day embargo period). This period can be chosen from 1-5 years.
An .au domain can only be renewed when it is within 90 days of it's expiry date. Do keep in mind, when its renewed, 1-5 years are added to the existing expiry date - if my domain expired on January 1 2025 and I renewed on October 1, my new expiry date would be January 1 2026.
You can change the registrant (ABN/ACN/business entity) of your .au domain name during it's lifespan. If you do so, a new licence is issued in the name of the new registrant for one year.
There is no redemption phase on .au domains. When an .AU domain expires, it can be renewed for 30 days after expiry however would have stopped working. After the 30 days the domain status changes to pendingDELETE, after which the domain becomes available to be registered by the public again.
The full auDA rules and responsibilities for registrants can be found at auda.org.au.
Updated 4 months ago