Changing ownership of .au domain names/Change of Registrant (COR)
A Change of Registrant is the process of transferring the ownership of a domain name ending in .au from one party to another. A transfer of ownership involves complete re-registration of the domain for 1 year with the receiving party/individual, who will need to meet the eligibility requirements to hold the registration of the domain. An administration fee of $119 AUD applies for every Change of Registrant (CoR).
Please contact our customer care team if you wish to proceed with the Change of Registrant (CoR).
IMPORTANT: As there is different eligibility requirements based on your TLD, please be advised of the criteria that must be met below;
- - the registrant must have an Australian presence and be a commercial entity.
- - the registrant must be a not-for-profit organisation.
- - the registrant must have an Australian presence and be a not-for-profit entity or unincorporated association.
- - the registrant must have an Australian presence and be a natural person – that means an individual person, not a company or organisation
- .au - The registrant must have a verifiable Australian presence, which includes being a citizen or permanent resident or an organisation registered in Australia.
But I just want to update the ABN!
You can keep the registrant contact details, like email address and phone number the same throughout the process while only updating the registrant entity, like ABN/ACN that the domain is registered to. As the domain licence is reissued with the update, the CoR process still applies.
I don't have a credit card! Are there other payment options?
We also offer other payment methods. To view these payment methods please refer to our Billing Options support article by clicking here.
Who can I transfer ownership of my .au domain to?
The license (ownership) of any .au domain may be offered for transfer (or “sale”) to another entity or party by any means and for any reason on the condition that the gaining entity or party meets the eligibility criteria for the registration of a .au domain name.
Somebody else has registered a domain, for which I hold a trademark. What do I do?
If another party has registered a .au domain that you feel you may be entitled to own, you should contact the Australian Domain Authority (auDA). The auDA is the policy authority and industry self-regulatory body responsible for the administration of .au domain names. You can visit their website at auDA for more information on specific regulations or news or current policies.
Can you just update my registrant details?
In a case where a domain name is registered incorrectly to an ABN not owned by the true/intended registrant of the domain, it is possible to request a correction to registrant information without needing to re-register the domain for 1 year. Those eligible for this process are typically customers of small design/hosting companies who registered their customer's domains under their own retail accounts using their own business details for eligibility. For this request, we require the following documentation:
- Proof of original payment for the domain e.g. a copy of the paid invoice for this domain from the company acting on behalf of the intended registrant in the name of the intended registrant
- Photo ID of the individual who will become the Registrant Contact following the update
- A signed letter of explanation from the requestor including the correct ownership information
In cases of human error during the submission of the registration application, the following documentation required is:
- A signed letter of explanation from the current account holder;
- Photo ID of the account holder;
- Correct ownership information
Can I renew my domain name?
If your domain is currently registered with an invalid Registrant Entity/ABN/ACN we will not be able to renew your domain name. We may be able to use what you have paid for the renewal toward the update, so please contact our Customer Care team.
Updated about 1 month ago