Point your domain to your Weebly website

Before you can point your domain to an external CMS you will need a parked domain or domain manager service and for the name servers to be delegated to Webcentral.

Click here to purchase our domain manager service.

Click here to learn how to delegate your name servers.


Default A records cannot be removed by the end user directly as it will cause the web hosting service to stop working. Please contact our support team by phone or a ticket via your console and request to disable the default A records

  1. Log into The Console
  2. Click 'Edit DNS' next to the domain you want to make changes to
  3. Create a A record
  4. In the following page, fill in the blank fields
    Name - You can leave this field Blank as it will directly point to your domain
    TTL - This is the Time to Live, it is best to leave the default setting 3600
    Host – The IP given to you by Weebly, this will look similar to
  5. Click [Add Record]
  6. Create another A record
  7. In the following page, fill in the blank fields
    Name - Set this to WWW
    TTL - This is the Time to Live, it is best to leave the default setting 3600
    Host – The IP given to you by Weebly, this will look similar to
  8. Click [Add Record]

Note: Standard DNS propagation time of up to two hours may apply. Refreshing the internet browsers cache can help to display the changes if they're not automatically visible after two hours. Press CTRL-F5 (PC) or CMD-R (Mac).


  1. Log into The Console
  2. Manage the domain you want to make changes to
  3. Click cPanel
  4. Click on the Advanced DNS Zone Editor icon
  5. Click Edit next to the record for YourDomain.com
  6. Change the IP address on the Address Field to the ones provided to you by Weebly, this will look similar to
  7. Leave the other settings as is and click Edit Record

Note: If you have a CNAME record with the name mail.yourdomain.com, you will need to follow the steps below:

  1. Click Edit next to mail.yourdomain.com
  2. Change Type to A
  3. Change the address to your default cPanel machine, this will take the form of 27.121.64.XX
  4. Go to Home under cPanel
  5. Click on MX Entry icon
  6. Click Edit on the MX record
  7. Change the Destination field to mail.yourdomain.com