Creating a New Email Account on Cloud Hosting or in cPanel

If you are using Cloud Hosting or cPanel Hosting please follow the below step-by-step instructions. Please note, that you will need to have purchased Cloud Hosting or cPanel Hosting with Webcentral. If you haven't, we suggest contacting your service provider.

If you're using Microsoft 365, please visit our Creating a New Email Account in Microsoft 365 and re-assigning a license support article.

Set up an email account using Cloud Hosting or cPanel Hosting

Create an email account with Cloud Hosting

  1. Log in to your Webcentral account
  2. Click Manage next to your domain
  3. Click Email
  4. Select 'IMAP/POP' from the drop-down menu under the Create an email account section
  5. Fill in the username and password fields with details you would like to use in the future. The username will be your e-mail address (the @yourdomain is added automatically)
  6. Click Create

Create an email account with cPanel Hosting

  1. Log in to your Webcentral account
  2. Click Manage next to your domain
  3. Click cPanel Hosting
  4. Click Log in to cPanel Interface
  5. Click on the [Email Accounts] icon
  6. Fill in the email and password fields provided under the heading Add Email Account using details you would like to use in the future
  7. Input the maximum size of the email inbox you are creating under Mailbox Quota (if you're not sure, leave it as the default value)
  8. Click Create Account

After you have created your email address the next step is to get your email settings so you can add the email to your device's mail client (e.g., Outlook, Mac Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.).

Once you have your email address and your email settings, you can add your email to your device. Please review our tutorials for how to do this.

If you’re unable to follow these steps or receive an error in doing so, please contact our support team for further assistance.